As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III, Hall County Schools has received $49,743,092 in federal funds. The school system is required to create a plan for spending the federal funds aligned to the allowable use of funds from the state and federal levels. All expenditures within the budget are subject to approval at the local and state levels. Hall County Schools tentatively plans to use the ESSER III funds in the following ways.
- Additional classroom teachers K-12 to work with small groups on literacy and numeracy skills;
- Additional CTAE teachers to provide classes for construction, mechanics, health care science, and other CTAE pathways;
- Books for Media Centers and Classrooms;
- CTAE agriculture program materials;
- Additional mental health personnel to support the social emotional needs of students K-12;
- Nurse salaries; Student Ambassadors;
- Additional school buses and camera equipment;
- Bus fuel;
- Building construction, land improvements, and equipment for a meat processing plant as a CTAE pathway to be located on the Agriculture Business Center campus; and
- Equipment (replacement and new) and supplies for the CTAE program in the system.
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(ARP) Act ESSER III – Budget – October 17, 2023
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III, Hall County Schools has received $49,743,092 in federal funds. The school system is required to create a plan for spending the federal funds aligned to the allowable use of funds from the state and federal levels. All expenditures within the budget are subject to approval at the local and state levels. Hall County Schools tentatively plans to use the ESSER III funds in the following ways.
- Additional classroom teachers K-12 to work with small groups on literacy and numeracy skills;
- Additional CTAE teachers to provide classes for construction, mechanics, health care science, and other CTAE pathways;
- Teachers, paraprofessionals, materials, and transportation for extended summer enrichment and transition camps;
- CTAE agriculture program materials;
- Additional mental health personnel to support the social emotional needs of students K-12;
- Nurse salaries;
- Additional school buses and camera equipment;
- Bus fuel;
- Building construction, land improvements, and equipment for a meat processing plant as a CTAE pathway to be located on the Agriculture Business Center campus; and
- Equipment (replacement and new) for the CTAE program in the system.
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(ARP) Act ESSER III – Budget – June 1, 2023
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III, Hall County Schools has received an initial budget of $32,303,782 in federal funds. The school system is required to create a plan for spending the federal funds aligned to the allowable use of funds from the state and federal levels. When the American Rescue Plan application is approved, the school system will receive the remaining allocation of $17,394,344. All expenditures within the budget are subject to approval at the local and state levels. Hall County Schools tentatively plans to use the ESSER III funds in the following ways.
- Additional classroom teachers K-12 to work with small groups on literacy and numeracy skills;
- Additional CTAE teachers to provide classes for construction, mechanics, health care science, and other CTAE pathways;
- Teachers, paraprofessionals, materials, and transportation for extended summer enrichment and transition camps;
- CTAE agriculture program materials;
- Additional mental health personnel to support the social emotional needs of students K-12;
- Nurse salaries;
- Additional school buses and camera equipment;
- Bus fuel;
- Building construction, land improvements, and equipment for a meat processing plant as a CTAE pathway to be located on the Agriculture Business Center campus; and
- Equipment (replacement and new) for the CTAE program in the system.
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(ARP) Act ESSER III – Budget – April 11, 2022
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III, Hall County Schools has received an initial budget of $32,303,782 in federal funds. The school system is required to create a plan for spending the federal funds aligned to the allowable use of funds from the state and federal levels. When the American Rescue Plan application is approved, the school system will receive the remaining allocation of $17,394,344. All expenditures within the budget are subject to approval at the local and state levels. Hall County Schools tentatively plans to use the ESSER III funds in the following ways.
- Additional classroom teachers K-12 to work with small groups on literacy and numeracy skills;
- Additional CTAE teachers to provide classes for construction, mechanics, health care science, and other CTAE pathways;
- Teachers, paraprofessionals, materials, and transportation for extended summer enrichment and transition camps;
- CTAE agriculture program materials;
- Additional mental health personnel to support the social emotional needs of students K-12;
- Nurse salaries;
- Additional school buses and camera equipment;
- Bus fuel;
- Building construction, land improvements, and equipment for a meat processing plant as a CTAE pathway to be located on the Agriculture Business Center campus; and
- Equipment (replacement and new) for the CTAE program in the system.
Please give us your comments by using the form below:
(ARP) Act ESSER III – Budget – Oct. 18, 2021
As a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III, Hall County Schools has received an initial budget of $32,303,782 in federal funds. The school system is required to create a plan for spending the federal funds aligned to the allowable use of funds from the state and federal levels. When the American Rescue Plan application is approved, the school system will receive the remaining allocation of $17,394,344. All expenditures within the budget are subject to approval at the local and state levels. Hall County Schools tentatively plans to use the CARES III funds in the following ways.
- Additional classroom teachers K-12 to work with small groups on literacy and numeracy skills;
- Additional CTAE teachers to provide classes for construction, mechanics, and health care science;
- Salaries of paraprofessionals;
- Teacher, paraprofessional, materials, and transportation for extended summer enrichment and transition camps;
- CTAE agriculture program materials;
- Add additional mental health personnel to support the social emotional needs of students K-12;
- Nurse salaries;
- Additional school buses;
- Replace HVAC at 3 schools;
- Add air conditioning to second gymnasiums at 4 existing high schools;
- Building construction, land improvements, and equipment for a meat processing plant as a CTAE pathway to be located on the East Hall High campus; and
- Equipment (replacement and new) for the CTAE program in the system
*As amendments are made to the original budget and approved by the DOE, an updated list of expenditures will be shared.
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